Sewing Team in San Lorenzo

We are looking for a few good women (or men!) who are interested in sewing!  We have had many different work groups in San Lorenzo, but most of them have centered on either medical work or construction.

We are planning a small work team to help us with several different sewing projects at the Clinic.  The exact dates have not been set, but it will either be in late April or early May of this year.  My mother, Dixie, will be heading up the team.  Projects will include sheets, pillowcases, stuffed animals, surgical gowns, surgical drapes, hats, masks and shoe covers for the operating room….

Mom and Dad with a Clinic patient

Please let us know if you are interested in coming down to San Lorenzo to help!  You can write to us on the LAMB website, or you can write to me at

I hope to hear from you!

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